Upcoming training courses at Share

11.02.25 Factoring essentials
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
This course is aimed at individuals who are either new to factoring or wish to obtain a solid understanding of the fundamental requirements of delivering a factoring service within Scotland to protect the housing stock for the next generation.
12.02.25 Equalities and human rights for Committee/Board
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
This course will outline where equalities and human rights issues arise in the delivery of housing services and how Committee/Board members can ensure these obligations are met.
13.02.25 Working with confidence at the frontline
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
This course is designed to provide a platform to allow frontline staff to explore both the challenges and possible solutions that will allow them to act and feel more confident, and with a greater sense of resilience, when dealing with such change and challenges.
19.02.25 Know the codes
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
This course provides an overview of the various Codes and documents that guide the Committees/Boards in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities.
20.02.25 Positive and Purposeful Challenge
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
You may be new to the governing body role and feel you are not providing enough challenge, or you may be an experienced governing body member but feel your challenge doesn’t always have the impact you hoped. This course will look at different approaches to challenge and how to choose an approach which best serves your purpose, fits with the context and makes a positive impact.
20.02.25 Writing policies
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
This course will provide you with practical experience in writing policies and equip you with the skills to produce documents which are user friendly and meet the needs of the intended audience. It is suitable for anyone who is involved in writing or adopting policies, who is new to policy writing or wishing to refresh existing skills.
24.02.25 Menopause in the workplace and Gender Action Plans (Webinar)
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
Perceptions around the menopause are changing and leading employers are taking action now. The Employment Bill published in October 2024, highlighted the requirement for employers to create Gender Action Plans. You can’t have gender equality without menopause being part of it.
26.02.25 Risk management for Committee/Board
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
This course for Committee/Board members will focus on your responsibilities to put in place specific measures for managing risk in your organisation. The environment of law and the influence of the Scottish Housing Regulator continue to make more demands on housing associations and co-operatives, so it is vital that through high-quality governance, Committee/Board members are in a position to effectively manage business risks.
27.02.25 Medical adaptations for housing staff
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
This course is designed for housing staff who are involved in the adaptation’s procedure. It will provide an overview of the process from inception to completion: dealing with social work requests, funding streams available, conducting site visits, preparing briefs for contractors and overseeing works.
30.04.25 Engaging young people – match creativity with creativity, skill for skill and lets all learn
Who’s it for and what’s it about?
This course, aimed towards both Staff and Committee Members, will show ways in which you can engage effectively with the target audience of young people. It will help you to find a way to make sure the business priorities are woven into youth engagement, as well as discussing ideas on where to do your outreach programmes.