Voluntary Management Committee Member

Voluntary Management Committee Member Vacancy
Do you want to improve your personal wellbeing?… and your career prospects? Do you want to play a role in improving the lives of others and the Clydesdale area? If the answer is “YES” then volunteering as a Management Committee member with us might be the thing for you!
We currently have a vacancy and are looking to recruit a voluntary committee member. If you are motivated by a positive desire to work with us in achieving our Vision of ‘Quality homes and excellent services for all’, then read on!
We are a Registered Social Landlord and Scottish Charity with 742 affordable rented homes across rural South Lanarkshire and the Clyde Valley. We have high tenant satisfaction levels and a track record of strong performance. Our challenges include improving the energy efficiency of our homes, supporting tenants through the cost of living crisis, implementing our digital strategy and growing the activities within our community hub.
We need a new committee member with a range of skills and personal qualities who will strengthen our leadership in achieving the best we can for tenants and other service users. We are particularly interested in hearing from people with knowledge or experience in any of the following areas:
• Energy Efficiency
• Asset Management
• Repairs & maintenance
• Digital technologies
• Finance
We make equal opportunities a mainstream part of all of CHA’s work and value diversity therefore we would welcome interest from any individuals with a commitment to our objectives and who have appropriate skills.
Although Management Committee work is unpaid, we will reimburse out of pocket expenses, including care and travelling costs. We also provide comprehensive induction training as well as supporting ongoing personal development. The main reward though is knowing that you are part of a team that is helping to improve the lives of others.
Our Management Committee meets monthly in Lanark (usually held on the last Wednesday of the month – between 6.30 and 8.30pm).
For further details and a recruitment pack, please contact Joe Gorman on 01555 665316, or email joe.gorman@clydesdale-housing.org.uk or write to us at Clydesdale Housing Association Ltd, CHA Community Hub, 39 North Vennel, Lanark, ML11 7PT.
The deadline for return of application forms is Monday 10 February 2025 and we aim to meet with candidates on Thursday 13 February 2025.
Clydesdale Housing Association is a not-for-profit housing association registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014 (Register no.2237R(S)). We are also recognised by HMRC as a Scottish Charity (No.SC034228) and registered under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 with the Scottish Housing Regulator as a Registered Social Landlord (Landlord No.HAL93).
Visit our website www.clydesdale-housing.org.uk for more information about us.