New homes planned for Kilmarnock

Clowes Developments (Scotland) has submitted plans to build 73 new homes next to the former BMK carpet factory in Kilmarnock.

The homes at the site on Barbadoes Road will comprise of three and four-bedroom properties.

A number of homes- constructed by Keepmoat - already exist on part of the site after being built in 2017.

However, the new plans highlight ambitions to build properties closer to the Kilmarnock water.

The site surrounds a giant disused cylindrical gasometer.

A proposed site map shows that around 14 plots will back directly onto the gasometer, with tree and hedgerow planting acting as a screen from the industrial tank, the Daily Record reports.

Ayrshire Roads Alliance has objected to the application due to the flooding that already occurs on the site.

Planning officials have said that proposed mitigation measures for flooding have not been put in place yet and it’s not known when they’ll be implemented.

Their statement reads: “From the flooding perspective, the application is objected to because of fluvial flooding that occurs at the proposed location.

“The following conclusion in the FRA (Flood Risk Assessment) has been noted but the mitigation measures are not yet in place and it is not clear as to when these will be in place.”

The Coal Authority also objected to the plans saying the site falls into their “development high risk area” category.

It said: “A coal Mining Risk Assessment or equivalent report, is required to be submitted to support this application. The coal Authority records indicate that part of the application site lies in an area of both recorded and likely historic unrecorded coal workings at shallow depth.

“There is also a recorded coal mine entry within the wider site area.”

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