Alison White appointed joint director of West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership
Alison White has been appointed as the joint director of West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).
The position has key responsibilities across partner organisations with the postholder acting as a depute chief executive as part of West Lothian Council’s executive management team, being a member of the NHS Lothian Board Corporate Management Team and taking on the duty of chief officer of the West Lothian Integration Joint Board (IJB).
Prior to arriving in West Lothian, Alison White had the role of head of adult social care in Midlothian in addition to being the authority’s chief social work officer.
Qualified as a social worker for over 20 years, Ms White has worked in both the public and voluntary sector. Throughout her career Alison has maintained a passion for developing person centred, human rights-based services to improve the outcomes for the people and communities in which she works.
Alison White commented: “I am thrilled to have taken up the role and to have joined the West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership. I am looking forward to drawing on my own experiences and working in collaboration with colleagues at West Lothian Council and NHS Lothian to further develop the high-quality health and social care services that exist in West Lothian.”
Graham Hope, West Lothian Council chief executive, added: “Alison brings a wealth of experience to the role and we’re delighted to welcome her to West Lothian. Alison will be a vital asset to West Lothian Council and our local health partners as we continue to work together on the delivery and development of crucial health and care services for the people of West Lothian.”