Average wait for council home exceeds a year, figures suggest

The average waiting time to be placed in social homes exceeds a year in the majority of Scottish local authorities, according to new statistics.
Figures obtained by the Scottish Conservatives via Freedom of Information requests reveal that, in 21 of the 29 Scottish councils which responded, the average waiting time for a home is more than 12 months.
Aberdeen City Council had the longest average waiting time (10.5 years), while movers in Edinburgh (people looking to move from one social home to another) wait an average of 18 years.
People have waited for more than 20 years to be placed in social housing in at least 24 councils. FOIs have shown that in 24 out of the 29 councils that provide the requested information, the average social housing waiting time was at least 20 years. The longest waiting time was 68 years in Renfrewshire Council, however the council has indicated that this applicant has no housing need and their housing application is on hold and has been for a number of years as they are not actively seeking rehousing.
The councils that did not provide the requested information were Highland, Perth and Kinross and West Dunbartonshire.
Scottish Conservatives shadow cabinet secretary for social justice, house and equalities Miles Briggs MSP said: “The SNP’s continued failure to prioritise the social housing emergency is disgraceful – and it is vulnerable people who are suffering the consequences.
“People should not be left languishing in temporary accommodation for a year while they wait for a permanent home – never mind more than two decades, which is the reality in the most extreme cases.
“These figures are deeply concerning and a damning indictment of the SNP-Green Government’s housing failures.
“Social housing is yet another area in which they have overpromised, but undelivered – and swingeing cuts to the housing budget are only likely to make the crisis even worse.
“The nationalists have dropped the ball on social housing for too long, yet again failing to focus on Scotland’s real priorities.”
The Scottish Government said most people on social housing waiting lists were looking to move to a new home, rather than being faced with homelessness.
A spokesman said: “Since 2007, Scotland has seen over 40% more affordable homes delivered per head of population than in England, and over 70% more than in Wales and we have delivered over three times as many social rented homes per head of population than England over this period.”