Bespoke lettings system launched by seven housing associations

Seven landlords across Scotland have come together with housing software solutions provider Housing Online Ltd to develop a new digital lettings service called These Homes.
These Homes is a bespoke system designed to easily capture the needs and aspirations of all applicants who only have to register once for all landlords. An applicant can search and apply for properties that suit their needs across Scotland and have a weekly email alert to advise them that a suitable property has become available to apply for.
There is Read Speaker offering on and offline text to speak, the site is mobile responsive, and the service aims to be as paper-lite as possible, promoting email as the preferred method of contact. The site will also link with each organisation’s website ensuring properties are advertised there and at
The seven landlords, Berwickshire Housing Association, Castlehill Housing Association, ELHA, Grampian Housing Association, Hillcrest Homes, Ochil View Housing Association and Sanctuary Scotland Housing Association, are looking forward to working with the new system.
One of the partners stated: “The majority of us have worked together previously and knew what we needed from a choice-based system. These Homes has been designed around our requirements and tailored to each organisation’s individual needs. Housing Online have been superb to work with and have ensured they understood what we required for our customers.”
The new service opened for registrations at 8am on March 22.