Cabinet secretary backs Wheatley Group campaign

A leading housing, care and property management group’s campaign has welcomed the support of cabinet secretary for social justice, communities and pensioners’ rights, Alex Neil MSP.
The Wheatley Group – which includes social landlords GHA, Cube, West Lothian Housing Partnership, Loretto Housing, care organisation Loretto Care, YourPlace Property Management and Lowther Homes – is running a staff campaign to improve services.
The ‘W.E. Excel’ campaign is challenging all 2,300 Wheatley Group staff members to improve their services, and teams of staff members are already developing a range of new ideas on how to achieve this.
The campaign is also encouraging staff from different parts of the Group to come together to learn from each other and share their ideas.
Cabinet secretary Alex Neil said: “Wheatley Group prides itself in being firmly rooted in its local communities and plays a key frontline role in helping its tenants. It is commendable that the group is always looking for new ways to improve services.”
Wheatley Group chief executive Martin Armstrong added: “We’ve had huge success as a group and in each of our companies in delivering excellence. Sometimes, it can be harder to think about how we get even better for our customers. That’s why this campaign is so important.
“We want ideas from staff about how we take our services to the next level and how we raise the bar for our communities.”