Chairing skills

Chairing skills

Being the Chair of an organisation is a responsible position and sometimes even although you have witnessed and shadowed the outgoing Chair, it is still a daunting task stepping into someone else’s shoes.

It is good to explore the different roles that the Chair encompasses, and what is not in the role, what key skills and attributes are required and then there is the big “G” - Governance. How does this fit into things? Managing relationships is essential, both with the rest of the Committee/Board, along with the Director/CEO and senior management team.

There is also the added pressure of Chairing meetings virtually, face-to-face, or hybrid, and if there are issues in the meeting how do you deal with them quickly and efficiently without losing the importance of the agenda items. Not forgetting how do you develop yourself? We know right now the only constant is change, so it is important that personal development is continuous. Never before has “life-long learning,” been so necessary.

On a recent course one former Chair indicated that they wished they had been on the course prior to becoming a Chair, saying “if I knew what I do now I would have been more confident in my role.”

SHARE is keen to help you on your journey so if you are an existing Chair looking to consolidate your knowledge, or a new Chair or thinking of taking the next step to becoming a Chair, Chairing skills is the ideal course for you.

Chairing skills takes place on Thursday 1st June. Want to know more? Email or book your place today by clicking here.

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