Community Links Scotland secures funding from Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme

Fatemah and Emma
Community Links Scotland has successfully secured funding from the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme to continue its West Dunbartonshire Energy Advice Service.
First established in 2023, the project works in partnership with five West Dunbartonshire housing associations and West Dunbartonshire Council and employs three energy advisors to support households who continue to be affected by the fuel crisis and are struggling to keep their homes warm.
Over 90% of all referrals come from local housing associations with a broad spectrum of concerns, from tenants not understanding their bill and tariff, being unable to keep their homes warm and tenants facing possible disconnection due to debt.
The energy advisors positively contribute to tenancy sustainability by providing face-to-face advice and support on how each household can save money on their energy bills, securing meaningful additional income for tenants, applying for emergency support and negotiating with suppliers to reduce existing energy debt.
To date, the project has supported 900 households’ access over £100,000 of energy vouchers and provided 183 households with in depth advice and support, generating household savings in excess of £45,000.
Fiona Campbell, tenancy sustainment officer, Clydebank HA, Knowes Housing Association and Dalmuir Park Housing Association, said: “The Energy Advice Project is amazing for our tenants. They have helped them register with a supplier, provided our tenants with energy advice and helped alleviate energy debt. I have had nothing but excellent feedback from our tenants about this service”.