Consultation taking place on Kirkintilloch Business Gateway Masterplan
East Dunbartonshire Council is asking locals for their views on a blueprint to create business investment, jobs, accommodation for older people and opportunities for active travel.

Consultation is taking place on a draft masterplan for the Kirkintilloch Business Gateway area - which lies between the A806 Initiative Road and approximately Woodilee Road - from Friday 19 November to Sunday 12 December 2021.
The draft masterplan contains proposals to develop the area, including land uses, potential building layouts, landscaping and open space, and vehicular, pedestrian and cycling access routes.
It also includes accommodation for older people, with ancillary facilities and care provision, tying in with the Local Development Plan. The aim is to support existing businesses, and encourage the development of vacant and derelict land.
You can view the draft masterplan and fill in a short survey via the council website.
An online presentation and discussion will take place on Monday 29 November from 7pm. You can sign up via the webpage above.
As well as being available online, the document can be viewed at William Patrick Library in Kirkintilloch and Lenzie Library, where paper surveys can be completed.
Councillor Andrew Polson, joint leader of the council, said: “I hope as many people as possible can take part in this consultation and help to guide the development of Kirkintilloch Business Gateway Masterplan. We’ve been working with landowners and existing businesses to help ensure that proposals can be delivered - creating investment and employment opportunities in the area.”
Councillor Vaughan Moody, joint leader of the council, added: “The masterplan is also intended to support active travel and enhance the local environment. It’s important to stress that nothing is set in stone within the document - it’s a flexible set of opportunities which will help to guide decision-making on planning applications. Have a say before 12 December if you can.”