Council delays decision into Trump housing plans
A decision on plans by the Trump Organisation to build hundreds of new homes in Aberdeenshire has been delayed by the local authority.
Proposals for more than 500 homes on a site within the Trump International Golf Links estate at Menie, near Balmedie, were due to be considered by Aberdeenshire Council next week, with a final decision on the development expected in March.

The local authority said late information had been received, which was expected to delay the decision.
The homes form part of a £150 million second phase of development at the golf resort. Other plans for the 1,500 acre estate include 50 hotel cottages, sports centre, retail, equestrian and commercial spaces, alongside other resort related leisure facilities.
A council spokeswoman said: “The Menie application will not be discussed at the forthcoming Formartine area committee on February 12.
“This is due to the applicant submitting further, late, information which the service wishes to fully assess and to ensure that all members considering this proposal have the same level of information.
“It was intended that full council would determine this application at its meeting in March, taking the views of local councillors into account, but following discussion with the applicant, a decision on the application is not now likely until later in the year.”
However Sarah Malone, executive vice president of Trump International, said the council’s statement was a “gross misrepresentation of the facts and handling of our application”.
She added: “The reason the Formartine Area Committee hearing has been deferred until its next scheduled meeting is due to the council’s inability to convene a design review panel meeting until the 22nd of January, more than four months after the validation of our application.
“In addition, the roads and transport department have only just requested new surveys and analysis which could and would have been provided months ago.”