East Dunbartonshire Council to hold Local Development Plan consultation
East Dunbartonshire Council has announced that it will hold a consultation to discuss its Local Development Plan for the area.

The council have said the consultation will offer people the opportunity to help guide the vital planning document.
The consultation follows the publication of the new Main Issues Report (MIR) which is a key step on the path towards an updated plan for the area.
The MIR sets out a series of key priorities and preferred options for future development in East Dunbartonshire.
Consultation is taking place between Tuesday 15 October and Tuesday 10 December 2019, with a series of drop-in engagement sessions taking place in the coming weeks.
Locals and residents can have their say at the sessions and officers will be available to discuss any issues relating to the MIR or overall Local Development Plan 2 process.
To access a copy of the report, find out more information and/or provide your views using East Dunbartonshire Council’s online questionnaire - visit the website.
Copies of the MIR and paper questionnaires are also available at community hubs and libraries.
Vaughan Moody, councillor and joint council leader, said: “The Local Development Plan - which is currently in place - sets out the Council’s long-term land-use strategy, illustrating where and how new development should take place. It also establishes those parts of East Dunbartonshire which should be protected from development.
“We are currently working on Local Development Plan 2 - which needs to be ready for 2022 - and the MIR is a key step towards that goal. Please take the time to get involved and help guide the future of your area.”
Andrew Polson, councillor and joint council leader, added: “East Dunbartonshire is a great place to live, work and visit, and we need your input to ensure we continue to prosper.
“Following extensive early public engagement between December 2018 and February 2019, the Council has looked at all the views submitted and identified a series of ‘main issues’ of change from the current Local Development Plan for our communities and planning policies. We now want to hear your views on these ‘main issues’. Please get involved.”
Details of the drop-in sessions can be found below.

The closing date for responses is Tuesday 10 December 2019 (5pm). For more information e-mail development.plan@eastdunbarton.gov.uk or call the Land Planning Policy Team on 0300 1234510.