East Lothian Poverty Commission to be established

east lothian councilEast Lothian Council has given cross-party agreement for the establishment of a new commission to gather evidence about poverty concerns across county.

The aim of the East Lothian Poverty Commission will be to bring together partners, communities and individuals to gather evidence to help tackle the causes and impact of poverty. It was proposed that the Commission will consist of around six members and have an independent chair.

Council leader Cllr Willie Innes said: “We have decided to establish an East Lothian Poverty Commission to provide an independent view of what can be done to tackle poverty in our communities. The council has already set up a number of initiatives to break the cycle of poverty and disadvantage including working with local businesses to increase apprenticeship opportunities and investing in education.

“There is a limit to what we can achieve on our own however and the Poverty Commission will take evidence, review our current strategies and recommend actions that the council and East Lothian Partnership could take to break the cycle of poverty.”

Cabinet member for education and children’s services, Cllr Shamin Akhtar, added: “The council is determined to work towards eradicating many of the inequalities that have a negative impact on individuals and communities. The research and findings obtained by the Poverty Commission will help us to identify additional ways of support building upon the good practice we have already achieved in raising attainment within our schools and providing greater opportunities of positive destinations for young people leaving school.”


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