Elderpark Housing to create roadmap to encourage tenants to cycle

Elderpark Housing to create roadmap to encourage tenants to cycle

A roadmap outlining Elderpark Housing’s endeavour to encourage tenants to embrace active travel is underway.

Last month Elderpark and its partners secured funding for a trailblazing initiative to promote the benefits of cycling from Cycling Scotland.

The funding will enable the housing association to install secure cycle storage and make landscaping improvements to back courts in six locations across Elderpark as well as provide bikes to tenants who would otherwise not have the opportunity to cycle.

Now Elderpark has gone out into the community to spread the word and learn more about what residents want from the cycling project with “pop up “ events at the three locations where the initiative will begin.

Potentially, hundreds of people are set to benefit from this exciting initiative.

Elderpark’s partners in the project are the Kinning Park Complex, Safety Awareness Glasgow and the national organisation for shared transport, CoMoUK.

Elderpark undertook a wide-ranging survey of its tenants to assess support for the project and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

Elderpark’s community regeneration officer, Jonathan Giddings-Reid, said: “It is vitally important that our residents are at the heart of this initiative and that we understand what they expect from it

“Getting them on board and fully engaged is key to its success which is why we have gone out into the community to reveal what’s coming. We were delighted with the response and it is clear that what we are doing has caught the public mood with an enthusiastic focus on active travel.”

A further feature of the initiative is to encourage Elderpark staff to make use of bikes as they go about their work in the community.

Last week Elderpark revealed plans to transform vacant land close to its Govan offices into a community space brimming with vegetables, flowers and a location for local residents to enjoy peace and tranquillity.

A key feature of this space - once completed - will be a bike hub which fits perfectly with the current cycling project.

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