Fife Council puts plans in place to increase affordable housing

L-R: At Lyne Burn improvement works Alice Tree, Jeremy Harris, and councillor Judy Hamilton (By Andrew Beveridge)
Fife Council’s Cabinet committee has agreed a new Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) to be submitted to the Scottish Government which has the potential to deliver further affordable new homes by 2028.
The Council had already approved £220.435 million to support the Affordable Housing Programme to 2024.
Councillor Judy Hamilton, chair of the Fife Housing Partnership and Fife Council spokesperson for housing, said: “I remain absolutely committed to providing high quality, affordable housing for people in Fife. Never has this been more important than in a Cost-of-Living crisis, such as this.
“The Strategic Housing Investment Plan details a statement of intent to provide Fife with a realistic and practical proposal to deliver against our aim for improving housing choices. The SHIP outlines a commitment to making sure 30% of these new homes can cater for people with specific needs, with 5% of the new properties classed as wheelchair housing.”
The building of 1,200 affordable houses in partnership with the Fife Housing Association Alliance is well underway. This £100m, two-year, transitional programme was put in place to bridge the gap between Phase 3 and Phase 4 of the council’s affordable housing programme.
The SHIP if approved will allow the council to bid for £174.989m through the Affordable Housing Supply Programme and £11.8m through Second Homes Council Tax (2HCT) monies, totalling a potential £186.789m for Fife, across all our partners.
Cllr Hamilton continued: “We also heard at committee today about the pressure that is on our homelessness services and the range of measures we are taking to address that. We will continue to build high-quality Council houses.
“I believe that good quality, affordable, sustainable housing is something everyone has a right to and this plan shows our commitment to providing that.”