First local authority planning service achieves Gold Carbon Literate Organisation Award

Fife Council’s Planning Services is the first local authority in the UK to be awarded Gold Carbon Literate Organisation accreditation.
In 2019, the council declared a Climate Emergency and is taking steps to help tackle the impact of climate change in Fife.
One important initiative has been to ensure high levels of carbon literacy amongst council officers. Over the past year, Planning Services has been working intensively to achieve Gold Carbon Literate Organisation accreditation. This means planning officers are aware of the impacts of the climate crisis globally and locally and empowered to act as agents of change.
Councillor Jan Wincott, Fife Council spokesperson for Environment & Climate Change, said: “Congratulations to Planning Services for being the first service in the UK to achieve the Gold Carbon Literate Organisation award. This is well deserved recognition for their outstanding work to understand the impact of Climate Change and what it means for the people of Fife. They have an in important role to play in the way we transition away from our dependency on fossil fuels, mitigating the effects of climate change locally and ensuring we do it in a just and fair way.”
Pam Ewen head of Fife Council’s Planning Services, added: “Fife’s Planning Services is the 8th Organisation UK wide and currently the only local authority to achieve the Gold CLO accreditation through the Carbon Literacy Project. We have achieved this by working in partnership with Climate Action Fife and training over 120 council staff and elected members, including over 50% of the Planning Service.
“In addition, we have created the council’s first service level Climate Action Plan, laying out the actions Planning Services will undertake to help meet the council’s Climate Emergency commitments.
“We are leading by example; making carbon literacy training mandatory within the service; running low carbon events and integrating climate awareness into the Local Development Plan. There is real buy-in form our officers, who are taking a lead on delivery.”