Glasgow City Mission confirms Overnight Welcome Centre reopening

Glasgow City Mission will open its Overnight Welcome Centre (OWC) for the 14th year in a row on 1 December 2023.
Much changed from the original shelter that opened in 2010/11, the OWC offers real routes out of rough sleeping for 2023/24.
As with last year, when it helped 534 individuals avoid rough sleeping, the OWC will operate out of Glasgow City Mission’s building at 20 Crimea Street.

The charity said: “Our positive outcome rate of 95% was only possible because of our fantastic partners. Once again, our partners will support and help our guests in their time of crisis.
“This year with the cost of living crisis and rising numbers of people sleeping rough in Glasgow we will be even busier than before. Our fully trained members of staff in the OWC team will support all those that come to us through the night and treat them with dignity and love in the traumatic circumstances they find themselves.
“The morning after, our Housing Settlement Officers (HSOs) will meet with each guest and put together a personal plan to move them from an emergency bed onto a more permanent solution. This plan will involve our partners as we tap into the professional expertise available in the city to address each unique situation, many of which are complex and involve vulnerable people.”

Glasgow City Mission will also be supporting these individuals through its City Centre Project and Child and Family Centre in Govan. Staff will offer support for women in crisis, those in addiction, families struggling, those needing help with the benefits they are entitled to and general financial advice. The charity will also help those new to Glasgow to integrate into the city.
“We approach the OWC with confidence that, because of our strong partnerships, we will support this year’s OWC guests into real routes out of rough sleeping,” the charity added.
The list of partners include:
- Blue Triangle Housing Association
- British Red Cross
- Bullet Express
- Citizens’ Rights Project
- Glasgow City HSCP
- Glasgow Street Pastors
- Govan Community Project
- Govan Law Centre
- Hunter Street Homeless Services
- ITRS Group
- Lodging House Mission
- Marie Trust
- Migrant Help
- Police Scotland
- Restore Glasgow
- Safe in Scotland
- Salvas
- Scottish Drugs Forum
- Scotia Radio Services
- Scottish Refugee Council
- Shelter Scotland
- Simon Community Scotland
- Social Bite
- Turning Point Scotland
- Venture Medical