Housing advocacy project launched in Fife

A partnership of Fife-based housing associations has launched the Fife Voices Housing Advocacy Project, a collaborative initiative designed to provide additional support to vulnerable tenants, promote tenancy sustainment and prevent homelessness within Fife.
The project has been largely funded through a £167,000 grant from the Scottish Government Homelessness Prevention Fund and is being delivered by the Fife Housing Association Alliance, a partnership between Kingdom Housing Association, Fife Housing Group, Ore Valley Housing Association and Glen Housing Association.
The three-year project will provide advocacy for vulnerable tenants of the participating landlords to assist them in accessing key services and supports, help promote tenancy sustainability and to break the cycle of homelessness
Two new full-time housing advocacy worker posts have been created. The posts have been filled through Kingdom’s Naumann Initiative, with recruitment ring-fenced for candidates registered as homeless on local housing waiting lists. In addition to employment, the successful candidates also received an offer of a secure tenancy through the partner landlords.
The team will work with current and new tenants of the partner landlords to help them access essential support services, claim grants or benefits and assist service users to achieve personal goals in areas like health, employment and training.
Matthew Busher, Kingdom Housing Association’s interim director of housing, who will be hosting the project, said: “With thanks to the Scottish Government for the financial support, we’re delighted that we’ve been able to launch Fife Voices. The project is a positive example of the continued collaborative working between the partner Housing Associations and will help to deliver a meaningful contribution to wider strategic efforts to reduce homelessness in Fife.”
Beverley Graham, director of housing at Fife Housing Group, added: “We are delighted to be a partner in this Scottish Government funded project. The last 16 months have shown us all how important it is to have a safe place to call home and this project will help ensure the most vulnerable in our society are provided with the help and support required to achieve this.”
Anne Dickie, Glen Housing Association CEO, said: “The Fife Voices Project is a welcome addition to the services available to Glen Housing Association’s current and future tenants. Coming during a very challenging period, for all, but especially for tenants who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in need of a bit of extra help, I have no doubt the project will prove invaluable. I would like to thank the Scottish Government for making the funds available and my Fife Housing Association Alliance colleagues who, in a short space of time, have set up this project.”
Tommy Braid, senior housing officer with Ore Valley Housing Association, said: “I feel the launch of the Fife Voices Project is a real positive step during these uncertain times. Many tenants across the partnership will benefit from help and advice from the new team and this will be of massive benefit to all those involved.”
Those looking to access the service can get in touch with their housing provider or contact the team directly by email at fifevoices@kha.scot or by calling 01592 632 517, 01592 632 597.