Inverclyde Common Housing Register landlords to resume property advertisements

Landlords on the Inverclyde Common Housing Register (ICHR) can start to advertise their available properties again as the coronavirus lockdown measures have been eased in Scotland.
Due to the pandemic, the ICHR landlords Cloch, Oak Tree, Larkfield, Link and Sanctuary have been unable to carry out normal repairs and safety checks to their empty properties, meaning that they were unable to advertise them to their housing applicants.
Starting from July 10 the landlords will be advertising a number of properties for let. Staff and customer safety is still a priority so the procedures for allocating empty homes has changed. The landlords will adopt a contactless allocations procedure which aims to remove or reduce the amount of face to face contact staff have with potential tenants.
The ICHR team has also been working with its software provider Home Connections on upgrading the software they use. From June 30, a brand new improved online application form is being launched. The new form has an updated look and feel and should be easier for applicants to complete.
Applicants can now log in to a customer portal to complete a change of circumstances application or to update their contact information. Those with an active application do not need to reapply.
The software improvements have also allowed the ICHR to introduce the changes agreed in the joint allocations policy. These changes were introduced following a customer consultation process back in 2018. The main changes to the policy include an introduction of homelessness points categories and also the option for applicants to apply for an extra bedroom if their children have an eight year age gap.
- Read all of our articles relating to COVID-19 here.