Link goes green with sustainable technology strategy

Affordable home and support service organisation Link Group has published a Sustainable Technology Strategy aimed at improving sustainability across the company’s digital infrastructure.
The strategy, which has been developed by Link’s Digital Services team and incorporates themes from the Link Group Business Sustainability Plan, was published earlier this month.
Ken Fox, director of digital services, said: “This refreshed strategy demonstrates the importance of responsible procurement and the use and disposal of technology within Link.
“Technology is both a contributor to carbon emissions and a way of reducing those emissions, and by examining the life cycle of digital assets across the organisation we can steer this responsibly. The concept of a circular economy has already been adopted within Link with 89% of hardware being reused and 11% recycled.
“Also, our move to cloud servers has already seen a 79% to 83% reduction in carbon emissions and this will continue to grow. We also look forward to going even greener and making further savings through reducing cloud storage requirements and any paper-based processes.”
The launch of the Sustainable Technology Strategy marks another key step on Link’s robust sustainability journey; last month the organisation announced it attained the Certified Sustainable Housing Label, awarded by RITTERWALD Consulting, for a second year.
Further to this, Link’s second Digital Service’s Innovation Challenge will launch in the Spring.
The challenge will focus on reducing paper by using cloud services where possible, and ensuring, where cloud services are already used, they are understood and used in a sustainable way.