Link Group to host pop-up money management and well-being support events

Link Group is providing advice at a series of free pop-up events offering money management, health and well-being, digital connectivity, and energy advice.
The latest of these pop-ups is taking place in Petersburn, Airdrie on Thursday, November 10.
There will be assistance available on connecting digitally including information about how to download the My Link app and Link Housing’s choice-based letting website’ Find a Home’.
There will be opportunities to learn about the latest digital deals, managing your data, and how to keep on top of your bill. Advice and support will be provided by the Citizens Advice Bureau. There will be guidance on keeping your energy bill as low as possible.
Community engagement officer, Kirsty MacQueen, with the Dogs Trust, will be on hand to provide hints and tips to care for your canine during the Cost-of-Living crisis. Enable and Routes to Work will be on hand to provide support with finding employment.
Refreshments will be provided. There will also be a presentation on cooking on a budget from the Lanarkshire Community Food and Health Partnership. Sanitary products will also be available for those who need them. Link tenants and the wider community are invited to attend.
The workshop takes place from 2:30 PM until 5:30 PM on Thursday, November 10, at Four Isles Community Centre, Varnsdorf Way, Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, ML6 8EQ.