Link provides funding boost to community groups

Link Group has been spreading plenty of early festive cheer across Falkirk’s diverse communities thanks to its Link in the Community Fund.
Over the last few months, the fund has been giving a helping hand to worthy community causes across Falkirk.
Some of the recipients of the fund include:
Rainbow Muslim Women Group – £500
The aim of the project is to bring marginalised communities together and engage them in various productive activities to improve their mental and physical well-being. They are looking to reach out to single mums, low-income families, survivors of domestic abuse, senior citizens, refugees and asylum seekers, and many more.
The funding from the Link in the Community Fund will support:
- Yoga sessions: Yoga and mindfulness help create a positive frame of mind and improve mental and physical health. The free women-only yoga sessions will take place in a safe and comfortable environment under the tutelage of a professional yoga instructor.
- Cooking sessions: Sharing a meal is the best way to reduce social isolation among women. A cooking session will be conducted in which a three-course meal will be prepared and shared to help build connections.
- Game day for children and mums: An outdoor games day, specifically the children and mums, is being arranged to help promote a healthy and active lifestyle. Sports equipment will be provided based on the age of the attendees. Light snacks will also be available afterwards.
Safer Streets Youth Action Project – £400
The project’s Community Arts Group is designing a mindful space within a local park so that families and local people can be reflective, enjoy the green space around them, and increase positive mental well-being amongst local people. The key features of the space include a seated mindful bench, an illustrated design board with logos and icons around the theme of safer streets and youth action, sensory features like musical chimes, and a seasonal wild seed meadow.
The idea was identified by the group through their recent creative and consultative work, where they were exploring opinions and themes about safer streets and local youth action.
This project will forward an array of opportunities for the participating young people to develop skills in planning and design whilst encouraging an awareness of environmental conservation. Essentially, this is a community development project that will facilitate young people’s involvement with their wider community, encouraging community cohesion and contributing to good health and well-being.
Partners include local primary schools, community groups and organisations, Falkirk Council’s Parks and Biodiversity Team, and local community police officers.
KLSB Community Group – £500
KLSB Community Group run a Wednesday lunch club where individuals come for a hot home-cooked meal. Many who enjoy this meal experience food poverty, loneliness and isolation. It is a safe space for members of the community to come along, feel welcome, and enjoy some company. New friendships have been established, and many individuals now meet outside of the Wednesday club. The participants would like to see a supper club run in addition to the Wednesday club. This would mean those who are experiencing social isolation during the dark winter evenings and short days would have somewhere to socialise and enjoy a home-cooked meal.
The money from the Link in the Community Fund will be used to buy ingredients and food to provide a homemade supper each week during winter for up to 25 people.
Coo Park United – £500
Coo Park United is planning a programme of 10 activity days for over 40 children and young people that includes physical activities and the opportunity to share healthy food together. The money from the Link in the Community Fund will assist with catering costs, which will help alleviate the holiday hunger that many other participants face at this time of year.
Scottish Seniors Computer Club, Falkirk – £500
The Scottish Seniors Computer Club runs a weekly Information Technology group (known as IT with Tea) for older people living in the Calendar Park high-rise flats. The group is run in partnership with Falkirk Council’s Adult Learning and Development, SSCC Falkirk.
The money from the Link in the Community Fund will be used to buy Alexa smart devices for residents to use in their flats.
Roots/Happy Mondays – £500
The Roots/Happy Mondays group aims to tackle isolation, assist people, and encourage social interaction. It provides a warm space where food is available. The group has been running for several weeks and is beneficial to the local community. The money from the Link in the Community Fund will be used to sustain the group.
Sarah Smith, Link Group communities director, said: “I am really pleased that Link has been able to support so many vital community groups in Falkirk through our new Link in the Community Fund. Funding is essential for many of these groups to be able to continue to offer important services to those who need them most.
“I am looking forward to seeing the Link in the Community Fund going from strength to strength and helping communities across Scotland.”