Ruchazie Housing Association helps tenants with energy efficiency

Ruchazie Housing Association helps tenants with energy efficiency

Ruchazie Housing Association is to continue to support its residents by helping cut the costs of fuel bills for their tenants after it received funding from the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) for two separate rounds of funding.

The Association secured £28,500 from the fuel crisis intervention and debt relief fund, and a further £23,750 from the energy efficiency measures fund. The funding provides practical support to tenants to mitigate fuel poverty, and to help them to manage, or reduce their fuel costs.

This has enabled all 225 tenants to receive money directly to their bank accounts to help pay their fuel costs this winter, and the Association to purchase items to help with energy efficiency. The energy efficiency funding enabled the purchase of items such as thermal curtains, air fryers, slow cookers, grills, blankets, flooring and radiator foil to help minimise heat loss from the home and provide energy-efficient options for cooking.

Michelle Caldwell, chairperson, said: “Our committee are proud of their staff being able to secure this funding to help all of our tenants. Not all tenants get additional support from the government yet face the same challenges in meeting household costs so this funding will help families with financial and practical support to help mitigate the rising costs of energy bills.

“As a community-based organisation, we can distribute energy-efficiency items quickly to our tenants. This will really help with keeping heat within their homes and make meals at a lower cost. The feedback from our tenants has been really positive.”

Tenant Paula Goodwin added: “The financial support we have received from Ruchazie Housing Association over the last few years has been welcomed. Not everyone is receiving this kind of support. These payments have allowed me to top up both my gas and electricity and I have not had to worry about additional costs in the cold months.”

Tenant David Shields commented: “What Ruchazie Housing Association have done for the community has been fantastic. The money towards fuel has been really appreciated, and the air fryer and slow cooker have been great”

Tenants Eleanor McDougall and Mary Russell, said: “We are so happy with everything that we have received and feel very lucky to be Ruchazie Housing Association tenants as not everyone receives items like these from their landlord.”

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