Steph Elliot: Near Me

Steph Elliot
Steph Elliot continues the SFHA’s monthly TECH column with an introduction to the Near Me feature now available to housing associations free of charge.
Near Me is an internet platform that helps health and social care providers, local authorities and other 3rd party organisations offer video call access to their services as part of their day-to-day operations. It runs on the Attend Anywhere platform and all people need to use Near Me is a suitable computer or mobile device with Chrome, Safari or Edge web browsers and an internet connection. Computer users will also need a webcam with a headset or speakers.
The system was originally set up for use by NHS Scotland and is tried and tested. A public sector licence has been made available through the Scottish Government and enables local authorities, housing associations and co-operatives to use Near Me free of charge. As such, landlords can now offer their tenants an additional, video call option for accessing services, including care and support, housing management and repairs etc.
Housing providers have been working alongside the NEAR ME lead for housing to roll out near me across Scotland in recent years. We have seen great levels of interest and uptake and Near Me continues to have so many benefits for tenants, customers, and frontline workers. It easy to use, is secure and allows people to access appointments or services they would otherwise have to travel to attend, if they could attend at all. Near Me Video Appointments offer greater flexibility, enabling tenants and customers to feel empowered.
Sign up today and receive a demo, training and ongoing support for you and your teams. Get in touch with to see how Near me could benefit your tenants and organisation.