Survey finds strengthened spirit within Scotland’s communities

Community feeling remains strong in Scotland with more than three-quarters of adults (78% in 2019) reporting a very or fairly strong sense of belonging to their neighbourhood while nine in ten households are very or fairly satisfied with their housing, according to the latest Scottish Household Survey.

Survey finds strengthened spirit within Scotland's communities

Communities secretary Aileen Campbell

Concern about the environment has continued to grow, particularly among young people – the survey found that last year 69% of 16 to 24-year-olds agreed climate change was an immediate and urgent problem, up from 38% in 2013.

Meanwhile, more people were online than ever before, including older people, with 66% of over-60s now using the internet. However, the most common cultural activity was reading, with 62% of adults having read in the year before the survey was undertaken.

The survey found that:

  • 94% of adults said their neighbourhood was a good or fairly good place to live, while 78% said they felt a strong sense of belonging there
  • satisfaction with local schools rose to 73% from 71% in 2018, while satisfaction with public transport increased from 65% to 68%
  • 86% of adults agreed that it was important for Scotland’s heritage to be well looked after, with 69% agreeing that the heritage of their local area was already well cared for
  • 90% were culturally engaged, either by attending or visiting a cultural event or place, or by participating in a cultural activity

Communities secretary Aileen Campbell said: “I am pleased so many people have a strong sense of belonging to their neighbourhood, which contributes towards making Scotland a warm and friendly nation where everyone is welcome.

“Of course, this survey predates the coronavirus crisis, but that sense of community spirit was vital during lockdown when we were all required to work together to help suppress the spread of the virus.

“The rise in digital connectivity will also have been hugely beneficial under lockdown, with more people than ever able to use the internet to buy essential supplies, keep in touch with friends or take part in cultural activities.

“As we set out in our Programme for Government, we are determined that our recovery from the crisis will be a green one. I share the concerns of so many people that climate change is an urgent problem, and through the 2019 Climate Change Act the Scottish Government enshrined in law its commitment to a just transition to net zero – in which wellbeing, fair work and social justice are prioritised and no-one is left behind.”

Scottish Household Survey 2019 Annual report

Scottish Household Survey 2019 Key Findings report

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