Tenant engagement excellence showcased by Link Housing and CX-Feedback

Link Housing welcomed delegates from across the housing sector to the first ‘in-person’ CX-Feedback, Scottish Tenant Engagement Network (STEN) last week.
More than 50 delegates from across Scotland attended the interactive event to listen to informative speakers, take part in discussions, vote in live polls, and ask a panel of housing professionals key questions.
Link Housing managing director David Mackenzie welcomed delegates and outlined Link’s tenant engagement successes, including a 10% increase in responses to last year’s rent consultation and how targeted communication has increased engagement with underrepresented groups.
CX-Feedback CEO Johnathan Briggs provided insight into improving engagement with younger people, sharing practical tips landlords can put into practice straight away.
Link Housing tenant engagement officer Anna Matthews described the impact targeted engagement has had, including connecting young male tenants, living by themselves, with services and resources to support them in their tenancy.
Enhanced engagement with this group will improve tenancy sustainment, prevent evictions and reduce failed access for repairs and compliance work appointments.

David Mackenzie said: “The work our tenant engagement team has done with the assistance of CX-Feedback has been truly first class.
“It will result in tenants remaining in their homes and gaining access to services quickly, as well as helping us improve customer service in a way which works with customer lifestyles.
“Our strategic aims include listening to tenants so we can build the best possible homes and communities for people to live in. The work carried out by Link’s tenant engagement team is a real testament to this objective.”
Delegates also heard inspiring presentations from ARK consultancy’s Kirsty Wells about the future of tenant engagement and CX-Feedback’s Jo Lee on how to redesign communications with tenants.
Colin Stewart, Tenants Together chairperson, and Link tenant Board member and Tenants Together vice chairperson, Shona Gorman, gave a presentation on the new ‘Tenants Together’ organisation which recently replaced the Regional Networks.