Tenement retrofit project wins Glasgow Institute of Architects sustainability award

Image credit Tom Manley Photography
John Gilbert Architects has picked up the Glasgow Institute of Architects Sustainability Award 2022 on behalf of the Niddrie Road project team delivering a pioneering retrofit of a pre-1919 tenement.
The Glasgow Institute of Architects (GIA) Design Awards celebrates the very best architecture being produced within the GIA Chapter or by GIA Chapter Members. The GIA Awards – which took place on Friday 18 November – offers a snapshot into current architectural thinking across typologies and successful projects join a long list of GIA award-winning projects.
John Gilbert Architects was commissioned by Southside Housing Association to draw up proposals to retrofit this typical Glasgow tenement. All eight flats in the building are currently void and so the opportunity has been taken to undertake a full renovation of the internal finishes and fittings, as well as a comprehensive upgrade of external elements such as roof, stonework and rainwater goods.
The project has been developed in partnership with CCG contractors, nbm Construction Cost Consultants and structural engineers Design Engineering Workshop. In addition, the practice has been working with WARM as certifiers and with Passivhaus Associates and Greengauge providing WUFI calculations.
Using the EnerPHit methodology, the project has achieved an exemplar level of construction with ultra low energy and healthy specification. A great deal of learning about the construction of tenements and the implication for future projects has been gathered by CaCHE (UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence) and the results of the construction and post-occupancy evaluation will be fully published in due course.
Commenting on the award, John Gilbert Architects director Chris Morgan said: “This is recognition for the whole construction team who have worked tirelessly to achieve a project which shows future routes for decarbonising our historic building stock. We look forward to working with CaCHE in publishing the techniques and performance results and wider adoption across the city.”