University of Glasgow Homelessness Initiative presents Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick

Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick
The University of Glasgow’s Homelessness Initiative will be launched at a free event in April where Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick will give her take on the current landscape and explore what drivers contribute to homelessness in Glasgow.
The event is the first in a series of public lectures asking ‘Why is there still homelessness in Glasgow?”
In this public lecture, Professor Fitzpatrick from Heriot-Watt University’s Institute for Social Policy, Housing and Equalities Research (I-SPHERE) will draw on some of the strands that feed into the wider matrix of homelessness; examining the relationship between local authorities, registered social landlords and allocations schemes, the Housing First programme, people with No Recourse to Public Funds and what impact Covid-19 has had on the sector.
Drawing on her recent evaluation of efforts to end street homelessness in 13 ‘vanguard’ cities across the globe, Suzanne will share her experiences working with the Institute of Global Homelessness and the Oak Foundation, as well as the Crisis Homelessness Monitors and her work chairing the Prevention Review Group.
This event is free and is open to all. Register here to secure your place.