Westbridgend residents to take ownership of new community facility
Westbridgend Community Hall Development Association has submitted an application to West Dunbartonshire Council detailing how they would sustain a new centre at the site if they were the owners.

When the new premises is built, they plan to open the space up as a community hub, which will include a café, after school and evening clubs, and activities for all ages from babies and toddlers.
Their outline proposal also detailed lunch clubs, arts and fitness classes and activities for people with disabilities.
After discussion at the council’s infrastructure, regeneration and economic development committee yesterday, councillors approved the application and gave officers permission to begin the process of designing and building the new centre.
The former Westbridgend Community Centre was demolished in 2017, with a view that a Community Asset Transfer application with a detailed business plan would be submitted by a community group for future use.
Councillor Iain McLaren, convener of infrastructure, regeneration and economic development, said: “I am delighted for Westbridgend Community Hall Development Association, as I know how hard they have worked on their plans for the new hub. These residents know exactly what their area would benefit most from, and that’s why transferring this asset to them is a great move.
“Giving residents the chance to have a real say in what needs to be improved in their area, and give them real pride in their surroundings, is vital and I hope this success encourages more people throughout West Dunbartonshire to get involved.”
Councillor Marie McNair, convener of infrastructure, regeneration and economic development, said: “This new hub will benefit the community of Westbridgend enormously, and I’m very impressed with the business case the group set out.
“I look forward to seeing the building progress and wish the residents the very best of luck with the venture.”