Wheatley earmarks mid-market rent flats for former Bellgrove Hotel site

Wheatley Group has submitted plans to redevelop the former Bellgrove Hotel in Glasgow to provide 70 flats for mid-market rent.
The hotel was put on the market in October 2020 with a deal for its purchase completed the following year.

Under Wheatley’s proposal, part of the B-listed building would be converted into 14 flats with the remainder of the premises demolished. A new four-storey block with 56 apartments would be built on adjacent vacant land.
A statement provided with the application by Collective Architecture reads: “The aims of the development are to provide new and exemplary homes for mid-market rent that integrate into the local context and reinforce positive active travel connections to Duke Street around new public green spaces.

“The detailed design responds in particular to the detail of the hotel building. The principal elevations of the converted hotel itself are conserved in line with best practice, with the opened up rear elevations defined by carefully detailed access decks, whose horizontal emphasis and subtly curved elements reflect the art moderne detail of the building.
“Likewise, the new-build block incorporates subtle references to the moderne style, with curves at the corner entrances to closes.”

The statement adds: “Glasgow City Council planning and heritage departments were supportive of the proposal to downtake these parts of the building. Their removal establishes the possibility of an entirely new relationship between the building and its context.
“The courtyard opens up to the afternoon light, whilst the blank walls which form such an impervious barrier to the adjacent areas are removed.”