Wheatley Group proposes new housing and commercial units for Barras Gateway

Wheatley Group proposes new housing and commercial units for Barras Gateway

Wheatley Group has submitted a planning application to construct 34 two-bedroom flats and two commercial units at a triangular brownfield site near Barrowland Park, Glasgow, at the confluence of Molendinar Street, Spoutmouth, and Gallowgate.

This development will replace a single level car park, which has been considered unremarkable and not providing a distinctive gateway to the Barras area.

A Wheatley Homes Glasgow spokesperson told Scottish Housing News: “While still in the early stages, we have submitted plans to build 34 mid-market rental homes near the Barrowlands in Glasgow. The proposed development would be on the site of a derelict car park on Spoutmouth, near Barrowlands Park.

“If approved, it would create a fantastic new development for the area with new energy-efficient homes, made up of two-bedroom flats and two commercial units.”

The company’s proposal emphasises the potential impact of the project in enhancing the overall appeal of the Barras area, seeing the site as an important bridge between the city centre and the east end of Glasgow. The proposed development is expected to bring dynamism to the local landscape, reshaping the entrance to the Barras locale.

It is envisaged that the flats will be managed by Glasgow Housing Association and will be offered at mid-market rents. Given the demographic profile of the area, the expectation is for a high demand from young professionals employed in the city.

The inclusion of two commercial units on the ground floor aims to stimulate local economy by creating new business opportunities. These units also aim to increase footfall in the Barras area, providing additional vibrancy and appeal to the locale.

The proposal is currently under review by Glasgow City planners.

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