Yorkhill director Pauline Hollinsworth announces retirement

Yorkhill director Pauline Hollinsworth announces retirement

Pauline Hollinsworth

Pauline Hollinsworth is to leave her position as director of property services at Yorkhill Housing Association after 43 years of service at the landlord.

Pauline has spent her entire career with Yorkhill Housing Association. Starting off in admin in 1980, she has worked her way through housing management, maintenance and factoring.

She also serves as the current depute chief executive at Yorkhill.

Pauline is a member of the Chartered Institute of Housing and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Housing.

Since 2012, Pauline has been a voluntary board member on another RSL, where her skills and experience have been invaluable.

A spokesperson at Yorkhill Housing Association said: “Her 43 years’ dedicated service to Yorkhill, latterly in charge of our large factoring operation, have combined a unique ability to secure value for money with consistently high levels of customer satisfaction. We shall miss her greatly but wish her well in a fully deserved retirement.”

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