Upcoming courses at SHARE

31.07.2024 Introduction to Committee/Board Appraisals – Webinar

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

This is useful for Committee/Board members, especially if they want to play a role in the process and Senior Officers who have to make sure that the appraisal process of the Committee/Board is carried out each year and that the findings are acted upon.


01.08.2024 Chairs’ Network

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

The Chair’s Network was set up as an opportunity to discuss issues that are facing all Chairs across the Social Housing Network. A chance to hear what others are doing and to share what you are doing. This quarter’s network will feature an Update on the Regulatory Framework.


01.08.2024 Identifying hazards on a home visit

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

This course is for any housing professional who enters people’s homes in the course of the job. It considers the risks that may be encountered when visiting homes alone, how to be prepared and how to mitigate risks.


06.08.2024 Performance conversations for managers

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

This course introduces managers and decision makers to a new concept and approach to appraisal. One where five types of Performance Conversations, replace the more traditional annual appraisal conversation approach. Regular and structured conversations that managers’ can have with every team member, no matter what age or stage of their career.


06.08.2024 Office bearers – ambassadors for the organisation

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

This course outlines the roles and responsibilities of each office bearer within a housing association/co-operative, what is expected of them and how their role fits into the overall framework of governance.


07.08.2024 GDPR Update - Webinar

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

The webinar will focus on implications for housing associations of recent case law and guidance from the ICO. Please bring along any questions you have about data protection.


14.08.2024 Questions you should be asking – development

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

If you are sitting on a Committee/Board and your organisation is undertaking a development project, your role in scrutinising the project and ensuring good governance is especially important due to the risk implication of any such project. This course will help Committee/Board members understand what they should be looking for in the development reports they are presented with.


14.08.2024 Factoring – delivering an excellent service

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

The course is aimed at those delivering factoring services in housing organisations. It will consider the customer journey for your factoring customers and where this can be optimised or improved.


20.08.2024 How to conduct an appraisal on your senior officer

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

This course will focus on what a ‘good appraisal’ experience should look and feel like in general, and then more specifically at how best practice can be applied (and poor practice avoided!) when crafting an effective and engaging appraisal experience – for the Committee/Board, Senior Officer and the organisation as a whole.


20.08.2024 Managing common property repairs

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

This course will explore what you need to consider before arranging repairs to common areas, who is responsible and what you should do before carrying out any repairs and maintenance. 


21.08.2024 Equalities data and the requirement to collect

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

This course will ask delegates to reflect on their process for collecting equality data and learn lessons to inform how they may collect this type of data in the future. In addition, the trainer will reflect on some of the issues they have seen whilst helping various organisations develop their plans.


28.08.2024 Writing policies

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

This course will provide you with practical experience in writing policies and equip you with the skills to produce documents which are user friendly and meet the needs of the intended audience. It is suitable for anyone who is involved in writing or adopting policies, who is new to policy writing or wishing to refresh existing skills.


28.08.2024 Questions you should be asking – housing management

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

This course will look at the types of questions Committee/Board members should be asking in relation to Housing Management. It will consider the different aspects and activities that Committee/Board members should expect to be reported to them from housing management teams.


28.08.2024 Wellbeing Network

Who’s it for and what’s it about?

The Wellbeing Network is a sub-group of our HR and Corporate Services Network, focusing specifically on all things workplace wellbeing.