43 new homes to be built on Kelvindale railway triangle

43 new homes to be built on Kelvindale railway triangle

Proposed sample flat block elevations (Image by Convery Prenty Architects)

Planners have given the green light for a second phase of flats and houses on a triangle of railway land at Kelvindale.

A total of 43 new homes for private sale, including 32 apartments and 17 terraced homes, will be built at Dalsholm Road, near Kelvindale train station.

The site, which is currently brownfield, was last used as a siding to enable works to the nearby railway.

43 new homes to be built on Kelvindale railway triangle

Proposed sample townhouse elevation (Image by Convery Prenty Architects)

Permission had already been given for a first phase of development — 49 townhouses and flats — on the western portion of the site.

Applicant Kelvindale Holdings Ltd plans to build 62 car parking spaces throughout the development.

Secured bicycle storage, a play area, and a public garden area will also be provided.

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