£90m build to rent development proposed for Glasgow’s West End
A planning application has been lodged for 424 new build-to-rent homes in Glasgow’s West End.
Holmes Miller is seeking permission on behalf of KR Developments for the mix of studio, 1, 2 and 3-bed apartments on Beith Street, Partick.
If approved, the ‘Kelvin Living’ development would represent a significant capital investment of more than £90 million.
Located on the vacant land to the south of Beith Street/ Castlebank Street on what is the remainder of the former Partick Central Station site - between the West View and West Village student residences and to the south of the Lidl car park, the project will provide 424 new apartments - 34 studios, 213 one-bed apartments, 142 two-bed apartments, 36 three-bed apartments. It will be based on a Build-to-Rent model operated by a management company with 24-hour on-site presence.

Four linear blocks of apartments will be set in a garden landscape, with connecting colonnade entrance elevation and dramatic dual level roofscapes to all blocks, with unique rooftop terrace gardens. The visual quality is informed by the high rise student accommodation buildings already constructed on the adjacent land and will complete the development of this strategic West End site.
The development also includes generous outdoor garden amenity areas, a riverside promenade along the banks of the River Kelvin together with internal common amenity areas incorporating facility management functions, a gym, co-working space, lounge areas and residents cafe.
Kevin Robertson, managing director of KR Developments, said: “After 18 months of working in the background with our design team and extensive consultation with the council and other stakeholders, we are delighted that we have now submitted the application for this fantastic project.
“Post COVID-19 we see this as an opportunity to provide much needed new investment in modern and sustainable new homes in the West End to meet the needs of Glasgow’s expanding population.
“The project will also create a large number of construction jobs during the building works as well as new jobs which will be required to manage, maintain and service the development on completion.
“All going well we hope to commence construction in Autumn next year with the first residents moving in by late 2023.”