Aberdeen Law Project secures deposit and compensation for tenant

Jamie Murphy
The Aberdeen Law Project has successfully represented an Aberdeen-based tenant in his dispute over a tenant deposit.
The project said the case marks the latest success for the representation team in securing victories for tenants in the city.
Jamie Murphy, the lead representative on the case, successfully argued that the £650 deposit be placed in a deposit scheme while also securing compensation of £700 for the tenant.
Jamie said: “I was delighted to help. This case was a difficult one and securing the result we did was a great accomplishment. ALP really does give us the opportunity to make a true impact in the community. I’m working on - and looking forward to - my next win.”
The law project’s client said: “I am so glad I listened to CAB’s suggestion to contact the Aberdeen Law Project regarding the issue with my landlord. The team was very helpful, and it was so relieving having Jamie beside me at the hearing. I am very happy with the outcome - a massive thank you to the Aberdeen Law Project.”