Argyll Community Housing Association’s Welfare Rights team secures £3.8m

Argyll Community Housing Association’s Welfare Rights team secures £3.8m

At a time when unclaimed welfare benefits throughout the UK reached a figure of £18.7 billion, Argyll Community Housing Association’s (ACHA) Welfare Rights team has secured almost £3.8 million for 1,268 households across Argyll and Bute in the last 12 months.

The savings have contributed to increased tenancy sustainment and brought additional money to the wider local economy.

The Welfare Rights team has helped tenants claim additional benefits, appeal decisions, and check ongoing benefit entitlements. The team has also provided advice on a wide range of other issues including clothing grants, food vouchers and has been successful in applying to the Housing Association Charitable Trust (HACT) for help towards tenants’ soaring energy costs.

Cathy Grant, ACHA’s chair of the board of management, said: “ACHA’s board is very proud of the achievements of the Welfare Rights Team and are delighted that they have been able to help so many of ACHA’s tenants to access additional benefits. We will continue to promote this service to our customers.”

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