Cunninghame Housing Association raises £5,259 for its chosen charities

Cunninghame Housing Association held charity events at its Long Service Awards celebration night in late November 2021 which raised a total of £5,259.50 for its two charities The Salvation Army and North Ayrshire Foodbank.
The Association presented a cheque for £2,000 along with toys to The Salvation Army (Saltcoats) Christmas Toy Appeal 2021 who work tirelessly to make a difference to families’ lives in Ayrshire.
Janice McCarthy, The Salvation Army, Saltcoats receiving a cheque from Allison McColl, executive director of finance & corporate services, John Kelly, CHA Chairperson and staff.
She said: “We are so thankful to Cunninghame Housing Association, for everything received for all the needy children to give them some cheer at Christmas.”
Cunninghame Housing Association also presented a cheque for £2,629.75 to Craig Crosthwaite of the North Ayrshire Foodbank to contribute towards food hampers over the festive period to families and individuals in need.
Craig Crosthwaite, North Ayrshire Foodbank co-ordinator, said: “Once again thank you for the compassion and kindness from CHA staff and Board members. The money received will help local people at a time that can be very difficult for many.”
Allison McColl, executive director of finance & corporate services, commented: “The Association is delighted to be able to make these presentations to The Salvation Army (Saltcoats) Christmas Toy Appeal 2021 and North Ayrshire Foodbank. We hope this helps make a difference to people over the festive period.”
The presentations took place at the Association’s Quayside Offices, Ardrossan on 10th December 2021.