Grampian Assistance Hub hailed for coronavirus services
Partners from across the public sector have been praising the Grampian Assistance Hub which was established last month to help people in need throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

The phone line and website both went live at the end of March, since then, more than 3,000 people have used the site to ask for help or to request help for someone else.
The main objective of the hub is to provide a place where people can report that they need help. It is also a way for residents to volunteer their support which they can safely deliver in their communities.
Staff are on the phone to provide callers with up to date information, or to link them up with the right person who can quickly answer questions.
Another important feature is that the site can be used to request help on behalf of someone else, allowing friends and neighbours to signpost to someone in need.
The hub is open across Grampian, accessible to anyone from Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire or Moray and the praise for the work of those staffing the Hub to get help to those at their most vulnerable has been pouring in.
Campbell Thomson, divisional commander chief superintendent from Police Scotland, chairs the multi-agency Local Resilience Partnership (LRP), who oversee the work of the assistance hub.
He said: “Behind every figure is a person in real need. Someone who is not sure where to turn to get help and advice. For many this Assistance Hub is a useful channel, but for those people it is a lifeline.
“I take great pride in the work of the team who set up and run the Hub and owe a debt of gratitude to the volunteers and businesses. It is becoming a well-worn phrase, but these really are unprecedented times. Through the work of this Assistance Hub I can see the very best team working and partnership with one single objective, helping people at their time of need.”
In a recent letter to all the volunteers who signed up to help via the Assistance Hub, Prof. Amanda Croft, chief executive of NHS Grampian, added: “When the Grampian Assistance Hub was launched last month, few could have predicted the remarkable response we have received from the people of the North East.
“I’m pleased to say that you have come forward in extraordinary numbers to protect our NHS and support those most in need. Over 3,000 individuals or groups across Grampian have now registered to offer support in their communities. That is incredible.
“The spirit and enthusiasm shown by people from all walks of life is truly inspirational. I give my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has come forward: we owe each one of you a huge debt of gratitude.”
- Read all of our articles relating to COVID-19 here.