Half of landlords ‘considering withdrawing properties from Scottish market’

More than half of Scotland’s landlords are considering removing properties from the market, new research has found.
According to a December 2024 survey by the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL), 53% of landlords are now considering reducing the size of their portfolios.
When asked for their reasons for withdrawing their properties, an overwhelming 79% pointed to hostility from government and politicians.
Political hostility, including proposed rent controls and stricter rules around eviction, have sent a chill through the Scottish private rented sector (PRS), resulting in many landlords considering their futures carefully, respondents revealed.
SAL said it will continue to engage proactively with the Scottish Government, MSPs, and MPs to create a sustainable future for tenants and landlords in Scotland.
SAL chief executive, John Blackwood, said: “Sustained political hostility towards landlords in Scotland has created an environment in which many are now considering the size of their portfolios, or even whether to remain in the sector at all.
“The housing emergency will not be solved by damaging rent controls or limiting the ability of landlords to provide high quality, flexible housing in other ways. SAL is committed to working with all political stakeholders, especially those in government, to create a fair, sustainable, and flexible PRS that is there for generations to come.”