Harbour Homes provides £2k funding to help set up first community refillery in Restalrig

The Ripple Refillery, created by the The Ripple Project, is a sustainability initiative which aims to give people access to good quality and low-cost food with minimal waste. It is the first community run refillery to open in north east Edinburgh.
Harbour Homes’ social enterprise subsidiary, Harbour Connections, offered the £2,000 funding to The Ripple Project as part of its local placemaking work.
The refillery project idea was presented at a Leith Network meeting and closely aligned with Harbour’s mission to make a positive impact on people’s lives in Leith and north Edinburgh.
Tristan Green, community action worker at The Ripple Project said: “The financial contribution of Harbour Homes will ensure the sustainability of this project for years to come. The Ripple Project is eternally grateful of the contributions Harbour makes, from housing us in a brilliant community space, to investing generous amounts into our various community projects.”

John Murray, placemaking manager at Harbour Homes, added: “The Ripple Refillery is a brilliant project that deserves to be supported. This is a great example of how the Leith Network can foster collaboration and positive outcomes for the local community. Well done to all involved in bringing this new refillery to Restalrig.”
The project also received a contribution from the National Lottery Awards For All funding programme. It has suppliers including fellow Leith Network member, Edinburgh Community Food, and other local producers offering high quality items. Any profits made are reinvested into other local community projects.
The volunteer-run refillery is open Wednesdays 11am – 3pm and Thursdays 3pm – 7.30pm at The Ripple Project, 198 Restalrig Road South, EH7 6DZ.