Hillhead welfare rights service gain National Standards reaccreditation

Morag Bisset, welfare rights officer and Heather Montgomery, income maximisation assistant
Hillhead Housing Association has successfully gained National Standards reaccreditation for the provision of Information and Advice for its welfare rights service and income maximisation services.
The initial accreditation was awarded in December 2018.
The Scottish Legal Aid Board, on behalf of the Scottish Government, conducted a review of the Association as part of the reaccreditation process as defined in the Scottish National Standards for Information and Advice Providers.
Hillhead Housing Association has been providing a welfare rights service since 2005 and in 2015 expanded its service with the support of Big Lottery Funding. A review of the service in 2020 identified a need to expand the service and Hillhead appointed an income maximisation assistant to support the breadth of the service that it provides.
Since the service started over 20 years ago, Hillhead has successfully achieved additional financial client gains of £7,680,866.59 for its tenants. In the last year alone, it has supported 511 tenants and achieved financial gains of £707,412.24 for them.
During the last two years, the services have centred on providing support through the pandemic and Hillhead is now focussing efforts on supporting tenants through the emergent cost of living and energy crises.