Homes for Good launches Hero awards

To mark its fourth week of working from home/lockdown, Homes for Good has launched its own Homes for Good Heroes awards which will be presented fortnightly during the current crisis and monthly after that.

Homes for Good launches Hero awards

George Charlton

The first Hero to be nominated is George Charlton, the Homes for Good in-house gas engineer.

Susan Aktemel, founding director, said: “George has been working round the clock to keep our tenants safe and warm, totally going the extra mile, dropping off food and putting anxious tenants at ease with his lovely way and the care he takes.”

The Homes for Good team is working hard to support all of their 800 tenants and has increased their tenancy support package in the light of COVID-19 - keeping in regular contact, helping to make Universal Credit claims, undertaking urgent repairs within social distancing guidelines, providing food deliveries and organising online activities.

Homes for Good will also be launching a befriending service shortly.

  • Read all of our articles relating to COVID-19 here.
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