Nationwide Foundation issues call for PRS research proposals
The Nationwide Foundation is inviting proposals to undertake qualitative research and quantitative analysis of the impact on tenants and landlords of changes to the Scottish private rented sector tenancy regime.
The study has a particular focus on the recent introduction of the Private Residential Tenancy and the changes to the First-tier Tribunal.

The research would understand the impact of these changes on:
- security of tenure (both perceived and actual)
- access to justice
- affordability
- landlord and tenant conduct
- tenants on a low incomes or tenants in housing need.
The research aims to understand if and how the changes to the tenancy regime in Scotland are achieving the aims of creating security of tenure, protecting against excessive rent increases and empowering tenants.
It also wishes to explore and compare tenants’ experiences of living in the PRS under the previous regulations and under the new changes and also understand the perspectives of landlords, local authorities and support/advice agencies on how the new regulations are working.
For the full brief and details of how to apply, click here.