New £125m plans submitted for new homes at Govan Graving Docks

Image: Axson Office
Bold plans to create a new community and regenerate the iconic Govan Graving Docks have been submitted to Glasgow City Council.
The proposals, led by New City Vision, and designed by Glasgow-based architects O’DonnellBrown, would see the construction of up to 304 new homes on the southern boundary of the site, extending the broader Govan community and bringing life back to the 19th century docks.
The submission marks the latest milestone in a wider masterplan to regenerate the three Docks and deliver a range of exciting and dynamic uses fit for the 21st century that would reconnect the people of Glasgow with the waterfront.

Balancing the historic nature of the site with a bold and imaginative vision to regenerate the site into a thriving community space, work is already underway to reopen Dock No1 for historic ship repair, with future phases including the development of a unique heritage park that will serve the new and existing Govan community.
Plans to repair and restore the Pumphouse – the sole remaining building on the site - into a thriving visitor and community attraction also form part of the ambitious masterplan. With the vision centred on regenerating the site into a lively community space, the submitted proposals outline that the new homes will take up just 20% of the overall site footprint. Following completion of the regeneration vision, it is intended that 80% will be transferred to community ownership.
The submission marks the culmination of an extensive period of community consultation spearheaded by the developers. This inclusive process featured four public exhibitions dedicated to the residential proposals, coupled with two exhibitions specifically focused on the design and development of an active travel route and riverside park. The project team’s commitment to engaging with the community extended to guided site visits, immersive tours with local stakeholders and residents as well as presentations and meetings with diverse community groups.

The site as found - the Pump House (Photo: O'Donnell Brown)
Regular updates were shared publicly through the project website, a dedicated Facebook page, and a series of newsletters distributed to around 1,500 individuals living or working within the vicinity of the site. This multi-faceted approach ensured that the community remained well-informed and actively involved in shaping the evolution of the project.
Harry O’Donnell, chairman of New City Vision, said: “An integral component of our vision to bring life back to the Docks, I am delighted to have submitted our residential proposals to build new housing along the southern side of the site and have reached this milestone in our journey.
“Taking up just 20% of the overall site footprint, these plans have been sensitively designed to complement our vision, ensuring development of a new and dynamic space fit for the 21st century while also increasing supply of much-needed new homes.

Image: Axson Office
“As this proposal has been the subject of extensive community consultation over the past two years, I would like to thank all those who have provided feedback throughout the consultation process, and I look forward to continuing this engagement as we bring forward our proposals for the component parts of our wider vision.”
A planning application was submitted to Glasgow City Council in December 2023 and it is anticipated that a decision will be reached in spring 2024.