North Lanarkshire Council housing service praised by Regulator

North Lanarkshire Council’s housing service is continuing to improve its performance, according to the latest report from the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR).

North Lanarkshire Council housing service praised by Regulator

Councillor Heather Brannan-McVey and Stephen Llewellyn

As Scotland’s largest local authority landlord, North Lanarkshire Council is responsible for 36,000 homes.

The SHR noted better performance than the Scottish council average in categories including tenant satisfaction; homes and rents, quality and maintenance of homes; neighbourhoods and value for money.

The Regulator examines the performance of all social landlords in Scotland against a set of standards for delivering services to tenants and residents.

Highlights from the report included:

  • Weekly rents of £70.90 are well below the Scottish average of £83.70 with rent collection levels for 2020/21 being 97.9%.
  • Tackling antisocial behaviour saw 99.6% of cases being resolved compared to the Scottish average of 94.4%.
  • Housing repairs showed 98.9% of reactive repairs were completed “right first time” compared to the Scottish average of 91.5%. In addition, 98.8% of tenants who had repairs or maintenance carried out were satisfied with the service they received, compared to the Scottish average of 90.1%.
  • Tenant satisfaction showed 91% of tenants were satisfied with the overall service provided compared to the Scottish average of 88.9%. 92.5% of tenants were satisfied with keeping tenants informed compared to the Scottish average of 91.7%.
  • The time to re-let homes fell to 29.1 days over the last year due to the health pandemic but compared well to the national average of 56.3 days.

Heather Brannan-McVey, cconvener of housing and regeneration, said: “We are pleased with this very positive report from the Scottish Housing Regulator which highlights the outstanding work of our housing teams.

“We are continuing to make a positive difference for our tenants and residents despite the very challenging time during the health pandemic. We are pleased with our progress but will continue to try and improve in all areas for the benefit of our communities.”

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