The outcome of a consultation on the indicators social landlords report on in their Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) has been published today by the Scottish Housing Regulator. The ARC is the main way social landlords demonstrate how they are performing against the standards and outcomes of the Sc
Scottish Housing Regulator
The Scottish Housing Regulator has today launched a consultation on its second British Sign Language (BSL) Plan.
Scottish Housing Regulator chair George Walker recalls the latest meeting with its systemically important landlord group to discuss the current issues in social housing. We held the third meeting of the year of the Systemically Important landlord group.
A new report by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has concluded that the finances of registered social landlords (RSLs) finances have weakened, resulting in less financial headroom, but forecasts have predicted some improvement in the medium term.
Shelter Scotland led a protest outside Edinburgh City Chambers yesterday calling for Scottish Ministers and the Scottish Housing Regulator to "immediately intervene" amid claims the City of Edinburgh Council voted to suspend lifeline housing rights until March 2028. Calling for special measures to b
Evelyn Tweed MSP is to submit an amendment to the Housing (Scotland) Bill to introduce a right of appeal against Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) decisions to the First Tier Tribunal General Regulatory Chamber. If approved, the move would align the process with that already in place for the Office o
The Scottish Housing Regulator published its first annual report on the notifiable events (NEs) which registered social landlords (RSLs) reported in 2023/24.
Jaqueline Norwood: Recommendations for improving Gypsy/Traveller tenants’ participation experience
Following on from the recent publication of the Scottish Housing Regulator's (SHR) thematic review of tenant and Gypsy/Traveller participation in social housing in Scotland, TPAS Scotland executive director Jaqueline Norwood takes a closer look at its findings and recommendations relating to Gypsy/T
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a summary of the risks it will focus on in its annual risk assessment of social landlords.
The latest Annual Assurance Statements submitted by social landlords have been published by the Scottish Housing Regulator. All social landlords are required to submit a Statement each year to confirm that they meet regulatory standards and requirements or to set out how they will address any areas
The number of social landlords that have discovered the presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) in their properties has increased to 16, with almost 2,500 homes now impacted by the material.
While there are some examples of good practice of tenant and Gypsy/Traveller participation within the social housing sector, “there is work to be done” to improve the participation experience, according to TPAS Scotland. The participation advisory service was responding to the Scot
The Scottish Housing Regulator today published the outcome of its thematic review of tenant and Gypsy/Traveller participation in social housing in Scotland.
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has found serious failings in one of Fife Council’s Gypsy/Traveller sites. The Regulator took action to investigate after residents of the Tarvit Mill Gypsy/Traveller site reported serious concerns about a lengthy delay to the redevelopment of the site, ser
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published its annual report and accounts for 2023/24, highlighting the challenges facing the social housing sector.