Christine Macleod The Scottish Housing Regulator has published the first in a new series of information notes about how it works.
Scottish Housing Regulator
Kay Blair The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has launched its new Corporate Plan which sets out how it will continue its work to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants, homeless people and others who use social landlords’ services.
The Scottish Housing Regulator will have a low level of engagement with almost two thirds of RSLs, its annual regulatory assessment has revealed. The regulator has published new regulation plans for the 65 RSLs that it will engage with during 2015/16. This is two fewer than last year. It will have m
Ian Brennan Most registered social landlords are continuing to manage their resources to ensure their financial well-being despite economic challenges, the Scottish Housing Regulator has found.
Jim Eadie A Holyrood committee is to ask the Scottish Housing Regulator to take forward work to deliver a range of improvements to its operations and to provide evidence on progress.
Christine Macleod A new and wide-ranging programme of national thematic inquiries has been announced by the Scottish Housing Regulator.