Despite the introduction of some of the most progressive homelessness legislation in the world, less than half of single homeless people in Scotland are found accommodation when they ask for help, according to a new report by homelessness charity Crisis. The findings, from Single homelessness in Sco
Scottish Housing Regulator
Christine Macleod A new report published by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has highlighted how an RSL successfully took action to address risks to strengthen its governance.
Michael Cameron The Scottish Housing Regulator has made more information available about how it assesses risk in registered social landlords (RSLs) and local authorities in the latest reports in its new ‘How we work’ series.
Ian Brennan The Scottish Housing Regulator has welcomed a new report contributing to the debate on what value for money means for tenants, social landlords and the housing sector in Scotland.
Annie Mauger Social landlords in Scotland should consider future tenants when analysing the value for money of what they do, according to a new report.
Tenant satisfaction is closely linked to the quality of homes, speed of emergency repairs, and affordability, according to a new report by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR). The body's National Panel of Tenants and Service Users were asked to contribute their views through surveys and discussion
Michael Cameron The Scottish Housing Regulator has received recognition for its successful use of different delivery models to deliver phases of its new business intelligence system in a new report by Audit Scotland.
Michael Cameron The Scottish Housing Regulator’s work to deliver the Social Landlord Portal, Landlord Report and Comparison Tool was recognised this week winning two awards at the prestigious Holyrood’s 2015 Connect Awards.
A group of eight small housing associations in the Greater Easterhouse area have commissioned a report which challenges the perception that you can only improve value for money by increasing in size. Easterhouse Housing and Regeneration Alliance (EHRA) asked the Scottish Housing Best Value Network (
Michael Cameron The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a summary of the outcomes of its risk assessment of local authorities and registered social landlords (RSLs).
Kay Blair The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has welcomed the Commission on Housing and Wellbeing’s new report ‘A blueprint for Scotland’s future’.
Ian Brennan The Scottish Housing Regulator has announced it is extending the statutory appointment of a manager to Muirhouse Housing Association for a further six months.
A group of tenants whose job it is to scrutinise the work of Thenue Housing Association has triumphed in a top award. The association’s Resident Empowerment Scrutiny Team (REST) - set up just 18 months ago - was named at the weekend as one of the winners in the TIS National Excellence Awards.
Christine Macleod The Scottish Housing Regulator has continued its statutory appointment of a manager to Wellhouse Housing Association.
Christine Macleod Landlords show a strong commitment to accurate performance reporting and are responding to the challenges of reporting on the Charter, according to a new report by the Scottish Housing Regulator.