Quale Homes submits plans for 212 new homes in Kinglassie

Quale Homes has submitted plans to Fife Council seeking permission to build over 200 new homes in Kinglassie.

Quale Homes submits plans for 212 new homes in Kinglassie

Image courtesy of Davidson Baxter Partnership

The firm plans to build 212 homes, including 46 affordable houses, with two vehicular access points, roads, landscaping, playpark and on land to the south of Hill View in the town on the edge of the B922.

The developer has been involved in discussions with the landowner for over a year and proposed to build the homes across four to five years on the seven-hectare site.

Quale Homes has held consultations with the local community last November with online presentations and question and answer sessions.

Kinglassie Community Council was also consulted on the plans, and the feedback from those sessions has now been incorporated into the formal planning application.

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